Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are Our Friends Ungodly?

Are our friends ungodly people? We should be careful of the friends that we choose. The people that we choose to associate with exert an influence upon us. If we as Christians cannot influence them to walk in a Godly way, then we should part company rather than walk in their sinful ungodly ways.

"Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" Amos 3:3

We will be deemed guilty of sin by our association with sinful people. "Guilty by association with the guilty." Unknown It has been said that "Birds of a feather flock together" Unknown

It is a good thing for us to take The Word of God to our sinful ungodly 'friends'. However, if we cannot get them to do right, then we should not continue to 'hang with' or to 'run with' them while they are doing what we know to be wrong.

If we can't bring them up, then we should not let them bring us down.

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