Sunday, January 8, 2017


“Bring to an end the violence of the wicked and make the righteous secure; You, the righteous God who probes the minds and hearts.”  Psalm 7:9 (NIV)

These words were written under the influence of The Holy Spirit of God by King David.  In this psalm David sang to The Lord asking Him to save him from his enemies and to destroy them.  He tells The Lord that if he has done any wrong to his enemies then let them persecute him. (Psalm 7:4-5)  If not, then he wants The Lord to let the wickedness and mischief of his enemies return unto them. (Psalm 7:12-16)  David knows that he is a sinner, but his sins were against God and not his enemies. (Psalm 51:3-4)  He begins this psalm stating that he will put his trust in The Lord, (Psalm 7:1) and he ends it by saying that he will praise The Lord. (Psalm 7:17)

There is apparently a lot of needless violence and wickedness in the world today.  People are destroying one another for no good reason.  People are killing innocent people who have done them no harm.  Here David prays to The Lord to bring an end to the violence of the wicked people to make this world a more secure place for the righteous people.  However, God did not promise us a peaceful world.  In fact The Bible teaches us that every man born of a woman will live but a few days and those days would be full of trouble. (Job 14:1)  Jesus said that His followers would be hated because the world hated Him. (John 15:19)  It would be nice if the world were free from violence, but that is not likely to happen.  It would be better for us to pray for God’s protection during the storms of life than to pray that there were no storms.  But, there will come a day when the wicked shall cease from troubling God’s people and the weary believers shall be at rest. (Job 3:17)  The Lord will deal with the wicked individuals. (Romans 12:19)  The wicked people and the evil doers will soon be no more. (Psalm 37:1-2)  One day, there will be a new heaven and a new earth where only the righteous will dwell. (2 Peter 3:13)  So, for the time being, let us keep our trust in The Lord and continue to praise His holy and righteous name.

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