Saturday, June 30, 2012

Eventually We Will All Get What We Deserve

"God 'will give to each person according to what he has done.' To those who by persistence in doing good seek glory, honor and immortality, He will give eternal life. But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger." Romans 2:6-8 (NIV)

In his letter to the Christians in Rome, the apostle Paul warns them not to judge others for their sins, for all of us have sinned. Sometimes we have thought, said, or done the very thing that we condemn others for doing or saying. One day God's righteous judgment will be revealed and we will all get what we deserve.

In the end, we will all get exactly what we deserve. Thanks to His goodness, grace, and mercy, we do not get what we deserve as soon as our behavior "earns" it. But rest assured that the day is coming when we will all get ours. Those of us who seek to give Him glory and honor will be rewarded. Those of us who do not, will be punished. So, it would behoove each of us to believe, pray, confess, repent, and work to the glory of God while we can. The day is coming when we will each have to give an account of our stewardship.

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