Monday, February 7, 2011

Good Things From Bad Situations

Joseph went through some very trying times and situations, but The Lord kept his troubles and in the end he was blessed and was a blessing to others.

His jealous brothers cast him into a pit, Genesis 37:24, then instead of killing him, they sold him to the Midianites, 37:28, who took him to Egypt sold him to Potiphar, captain of Pharaoh's guard, 39:1. He was jailed after his master's wife lied on him, 39:12-20.

While in prison he met Pharaoh's baker and butler and interpreted their dreams. This was remembered by the butler when Pharaoh had a dream that he did not understand, Genesis 40 & 41. After Joseph interpreted Pharaoh's dream, he was placed in charge of Pharaoh's house and all the land, 41:39-41.

After storing up food during the seven years of plenty, 41:47-48, Joseph was able to be a blessing to Egypt and his family during the seven years of famine that followed, 41:54 & 42:6-8.

God and use the bad situations that we go through to prepare us and to put us in position to be blessed in the future and to be a blessing to others.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called to His purpose." Romans 8:28

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