Friday, June 7, 2013

We Must Do The Work Of God

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of Him who sent me.  Night is coming, when no one can work."  John 9:4 (NIV)

The Apostle John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, recorded the words of Jesus as He spoke to His disciples regarding the man who was born blind so that the work of God could be displayed in his life.  Jesus, The Christ, said He must do the work of God, who sent Him to earth, while it is day and there is still time, for the night is coming  when no man can work.  He knew that He only had a limited time to perform His earthly ministry and that the disciples would be a part of that work.

It is generally agreed upon by the Bible experts that when Jesus said while it is day, He was referring to the time that He was still with His disciples conducting His earthly ministry.  When He said that night was coming, He was referring to the time when He would be taken away from them.  He only had a limited time to be with them, to do the work that He came here to do, and to prepare them to do God's work after His death. Today, we only have a limited time to do the kingdom building work of The Lord. (Job 14:1, Psalms 90:12, and Matthew 24:36)  We must do the best that we can, while we can, while we are alive.  When this physical life is over, then comes the judgement, and we must give an account of our efforts. (Romans 14:12)

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