Saturday, July 4, 2020


“Therefore this is what The Lord says: ‘If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve Me; if you utter worthy, not worthless, words, you will be My spokesman.  Let this people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.’ ”  Jeremiah 15:19 (NIV)

These are the words of The Lord God which were spoken to the prophet Jeremiah and proclaimed to the people of Judah.  After The Lord God told Jeremiah that He was going to destroy the people of Israel because they had repeatedly rejected Him, (Jeremiah 14:10-12) He said that He would not change His mind about them even if Moses and Samuel appeared and asked Him to spare them. (Jeremiah 15:1)  After He repeated what He was going to do them, Jeremiah asked The Lord God to protect him from his persecutors and He said that He would protect him. (Jeremiah 15:15-21)  Jeremiah was unpopular with the king and the people because they did not like the messages from God that he delivered. (Jeremiah 15:10)

We are blessed by The Lord God in so many ways, but there are some additional blessings that we will receive only if we do that which He asks of us.  If we humble ourselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways, (2 Chronicles 7:14) and if we repent, and speak that which is worthy, (Jeremiah 15:19) then we will receive His special blessings.   

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