Wednesday, January 12, 2011


"But the fruit of The Spirit is ...Meekness ..." Galatians 5:22-23

Meekness if often mistaken for weakness. Meekness is having the power and choosing not to use it. Just because you can, does not mean that you should.

"Meekness is a humble and gentle attitude that is patiently submissive in every offence, while having no desire for revenge or retribution." (MacArthur)

It is gentleness. "It is having the ability to govern our passions and resentments, so as not to be easily provoked." (Nelson)

Meekness is "the disposition to be gentle, kind, indulgent, even balanced in tempers and passions, and patient in suffering injuries without feeling a spirit of revenge." (Dake)

It is hard to be meek when our natural inclination is to get even or to pay someone back for the wrong done to us. Meekness requires much prayer on our part.

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