Saturday, August 24, 2019


“Saul’s anger flared up at Jonathan and he said to him, ‘… Don’t I know that you have sided with the son of Jesse to your own shame and the shame of the mother who bore you?’”  1 Samuel 20:30 (NIV)

The Spirit of The Lord God had left King Saul and had been replaced by an evil spirit. (1 Samuel 16:14 and 18:12)  Saul had initially loved David and took him into his home, but the more that he saw that The Spirit of The Lord God was with David, the more he feared him and wanted to kill him. (1 Samuel 18:29, 19:1, and 19:15)  Saul even got very angry with his son Jonathan for befriending David.  Saul was so angry that he threw a spear at Jonathan, attempting to kill him, when he questioned why Saul wanted to kill David. (1 Samuel 20:32-33)

There are some people in this world who do not like The Lord God or the people of God.  They will even dislike or hate you for being friends with or being kind to believers.  It is good for us to be kind and good to the people of God.  The Bible records that Rahab, the prostitute, was spared along with her family because of how she treated God’s people. (Joshua 6:17)  People will be blessed for being nice to a man of God or just giving a child of God a drink of water. (Matthew 10:41-42)  The world will know that we are believers by the way that we show love to one another. (John 13:35)  We should not let anger or hatred rule our behavior.

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