Friday, December 1, 2017


“This was now the third time Jesus appeared to His disciples after He was raised from the dead.  When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?’  ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘You know that I love You.’  Jesus said, ‘Feed My lambs.’”  John 21:14-15 (NIV)

These words were recorded by the Apostle John under the influence of The Holy Spirit of God.  In this the final chapter in the Gospel according to John, he records the conversation and the events related to the post resurrection fish fry breakfast that Jesus had with His disciples.  Jesus appeared to His disciples a third time by the Sea of Galilee.  They had been fishing all night and had not caught anything. (John 21:1-3)  Early the next morning, Jesus told them to cast their nets on the right side of their boat and they caught more than they could haul in. (John 21:4-6)  When they landed, Jesus prepared a fish breakfast for them. (John 21:9-14)  Jesus feed them physically and then tells them to feed His sheep, speaking figuratively. (John 21:15-17)  Most of the Bible scholars think that Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him three times, and Peter responded “yes” three times, to clearly reinstate Peter who had denied Him three times. (John 18:15-17 and 25-27)

There are times when we think that we know what we are doing but The Word of God tells us to do something which is contrary to our way of doing things, as Jesus did here with these fishermen. (John 21:5-6)  We will be much more productive and effective if we would do things His way.  We would also be much more effective if we would feast on God’s Holy Word before we try to share it with others.  None of us is perfect; we all sin and occasionally break our fellowship with The Lord God and we have to be “reinstated”.  Our family membership status does not change but we can lose the joy of our fellowship with Him.  We need to pray as David prayed, “… Create in me a clean heart … Restore unto me the joy of Your salvation …” (Psalm 51:9-13)

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