Monday, December 26, 2016


“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you …”  Ezekiel 36:26 (NIV)

These words came to the prophet Ezekiel as a prophecy from The Lord and were recorded by him under the influence of The Holy Spirit of God.  The people of God had sinned, been conquered, and scattered.  Ezekiel was told to tell the people that God said He would bring them back together and cleanse them from their impurities. (Ezekiel 36:24-25)  God was going to replace their hard hearts and give them new ones.

If we want things to be better for us in 2017 than they were in 2016, then we need to do things differently in the New Year than we did in this year.  We cannot expect to get different results if we keep doing the same things that we did in the past.  Yet we still insist upon doing things our way.  Just like the children of Israel, we have not kept all of His statutes and commandments.   We are not supposed to act like the worldly people which are around us.  We are in this world but not of it. (John 8:23 and 18:36)  We are different, we have been set apart and we should act like it. (Leviticus 20:26)  When we accepted Christ as our personal savior, we became new creatures. (2 Corinthians 5:17)  We need to ask God to forgive us, cleanse us and to put a new heart and a new spirit in us, or to renew His Spirit within us, so that we may be more Christ-like in the New Year.  The more obedient we are to His Holy Word in the future, the more we will be blessed (Deuteronomy 28:1-14) and the better things will be for us in 2017.

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