Friday, September 6, 2013

The Children Are Watching Us

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."  Proverbs 22:6 (NIV)  

The wise King Solomon told the people that they should teach their children, and bring them up in the ways of God, then when they get old and mature, they will not turn away from it.  In so many words he said that a good Christian foundation begins at home.

As believers we are being watched.  We are being watched by God (Job 34:21), watched by people, both by believers and n
on-believers, and we are also being watched by the children.  Children hear what they are told, even when that act like they don't hear a word that is being said.  They also learn by what they see at home and where ever.  The Bible says that we should teach and train children in the ways of The Lord. (Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and 11:19)  Our children should hear us talking about God, and they should see us reading The Word of God.  We are to be an example of good Christian behavior for them to learn from. (1 Timothy 4:12)  However, when our words and our behavior are inconsistent, children may learn the wrong things.  Our actions can speak louder than our words.  Woe be it unto us if we lead a child astray. (Matthew 18:6, Mark 9:42, and Luke 17:2)  Let us pray that our actions will not lead anyone to fall into sin, especially a child.  Let us be a living example of Christ-like behavior which the children and others can learn from. (Philippians 1:27 and Romans 12 :1)

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